Monday, August 22, 2011

Don't Call it a Cum Back

I will start this post with a simple apology for my absence to the blog. Maybe my laziness is to blame, perhaps my desire to share my self-sexual escapades has diminished. What ever its been I will assure you the reader that mr t.seed is back in full self love swing, and will be keeping you up to date with every self loathing seed donation to the toilet paper gods.

This particular journey down masturbation lane was more out of self spite then lust. I awoke in the living room of my friends apartment(you'd know them as linley and crabbe) slightly delirious and hungover from the night before, it had been several days since my man missle had and human contact and it didnt seem to care. Wondering what was wrong with myself and sure i could bust a juicy morning nut in the comfort of the warm foreign shower I commenced war.My love rocket had other ideas perhaps the poor guy was still asleep or maybe its lost interest in the touch of my hand. The pains of vigorous stroking shot up and down my faithfull right and left arms.and i was beggining to feel defeated by my own penis. In a last ditch effort i decided to give it all I got.and reached the heavenly bliss of self ejaculation. I cleaned the stickey mess from my hand's washed my body and mind of the trecherous self battle and went on with my day with a slight grin on my face. So boys if your were wondering why Seed was occupying the washroom for and awkward amount of time this is your answer.

Good Day
